Thursday 23 January 2014

Amazon Grace

Well, I asked what you would like me to blog about, and the crickets were pretty damn loud.  Perhaps I should have taken the silence to mean that you wanted me to stop altogether, but (1) you aren't that lucky, and (2) I'm not that kind.

So, instead you get the news that Purple Duck is making the leap to Amazon, starting with Silent Nightfall, which you can now pick up here.

And, in other news, Crawl #9, containing The Arwich Grinder, is talked about here.

For those following the Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between controversy, Sean Connors posted on the Indiegogo site:  "People are receiving there books it is getting there it will happen."  This allows for at least some cautious optimism...although it begs the question what kind of post takes over three months to arrive.  For the record, I have received nothing as of this date.

If you want me to address some specific topic, or answer some specific question, please leave a comment.


  1. I'm enjoying the blog, your recent posts and all of your work I have read. I don't have any specific questions at the moment but please do continue. =)


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